I Need A Pedicure

I find it interesting how everyone Uses the end of the year for review and planning. It’s on everyone’s mind, the year-end review, goal-setting for next year, tweaking the strategic plan, and counting up every one of those sales credits. With all this focus on...

Duct Tape On The Rear View Mirror

        The handy mans secret weapon… Red Green would say.  He could build, fix, re-fix, and fix again anything, using duct tape as his “secret weapon”.  I’ve become a fan of duct tape as well.  Now, instead of limiting me to furnace grey, it...

That Danged Glass

I was golfing this past weekend with old friends.  We’ve golfed together Saturday mornings for 30 years, and we know each-other well enough so there is a good blend of kidding each-other, as well as digging a bit deeper into more personal issues in front of us. I was...

Because It Is The Right Thing

I was working with an executive coaching client recently, helping him to prepare to interview and select a key new member of his leadership team. Harold is president and CEO of a large company, and as a result of working “on” the business instead of “within” the...