Stuck In The Moment

I left a lengthy session with a client deeply involved in their strategic planning process.  When I say deeply, I mean way over the top.  They asked me to help them finish the plan.  They felt they were too close to the task at hand to hold themselves...

Are You Planning To Execute?

There is this fine balance in everything we do.  There are decisions to be made.  Each moment of our life requires execution to some degree on every breath, every movement,  every thought, and of course every action.  Some execution comes with an...

Passion is…

Ready, set, go.  Everybody have their list in front of them?  who wants to go first?  Ok, go ahead…define passion.  Hmmm…That’s what I thought.  When you really have to put it down on paper, or describe it to a group, it’s not that...

Give Me The Ball

There’s 10 seconds left in the game.  We’re down by 2 points.  This is the championship.  This is what we have worked so hard all year long to accomplish.  It was our BHAG.  And then, during the timeout, someone speaks up and says it.  He...

Taking Ownership

The Rare Leader™ willingly takes an initiative and acceptance of accountability, using intelligence and an enterprising attitude to figure out “how” to do it without being told.F. John Reh writes in “Take Ownership of Your Job” ,...

Taking One For The Team

Have you ever heard this acclamation?  Someone feels so self involved that they need to declare that their action is necessarily not their first choice, but is for the benefit of others.  Why not add “praise me” to the end of the statement?  After all,...